Thursday, September 18, 2014

It has been too long since we talked. I still miss you. I still get nightmares about you moved on....I couldn't

Friday, September 12, 2014

I have never told you about my dreams. Especially the ones after I lost you. The most most haunting one had you, and me, standing on either side of a glass window. I was inside, and I could see you through the window, standing just a few inches away from me, wearing a black dress. I could see tears in your eyes, and your face is sad, so very sad. I have never seen anyone this sad, makes me cry. I have my right hand on the sill. I raise my left hand and press my open palm against the glass. You do the same, with your right. I can almost touch you. I think I am touching you. But I am not. And you are so sad. Sad because of me.

Saturday, September 6, 2014