Thursday, July 17, 2014

You will never read about what happens inside the mind of a suicidal person. There are three kind of people who might know about it. Some try to guess it and write about it. But they don't know shit. Some, who are on the brink of depression, try to understand it and explain it. They might be so depressed as to get a peek inside the darkness of a suicidal mind. Still, the essence in purity could never be verbalized, because one who is in such a deep abyss, who has decided to let go of all, who now cares neither for glory nor acceptance, could not care less for coloring a paper that others might admire, idolize, loathe or just ignore.

But then, there is the third kind, known as the "living dead", the ones who got back from the suicidal pit, and now live in the state of constant depression. These are the few people who actually know, what it feels like, to accept death. But he doesn't keep sharing his NDEs with everyone. Its just by the virtue of probable incidence that some warm afternoon, when he is feeling not so sad, has a full belly and not so sleepy, that he picks up a pen and a piece of paper, for no one in particular, and writes his heart out.

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